BLOCKSignalling Smart ServoSwitch SRV4
The BLOCKsignalling Smart ServoSwitch SRV4 is designed to operate up to four servos between their Start and Stop positions, whenever a control input is switched. - Connect up to four servos - Each servo operates between its preset Start and Stop position when its control input is switched - Servo Start position, Stop position and movement Speed are easily adjustable using controls built into the module - Outputs available to operate two-aspect signals and control panel leds - Option to connect external relays to control frog polarity - Inputs can be connected to DCC accessory decoders to allow DCC control of servo motors - Quick and easy to set-up and program
The BLOCKsignalling SRV4 Smart ServoSwitch is designed to operate up to four miniature servos.
The servo movement can be triggered by switches, push buttons, stud and probe, or by connection to DCC accessory decoders. Whenever an input is grounded, the associated servo moves to either its Start or Stop position depending on which of its two controlling inputs is grounded.
If the attached servos are being used to operate points (turnouts), then an external 5V relay can be connected to the module which will automatically energise and de-energise whenever the servo moves past its mid-position. In this way, the frog polarity can be swapped as the points move.
Outputs are also provided to drive leds, which could be mounted on a panel or into signal heads. Two leds are lit when the servo is at its Start position and two leds are lit when the servo is at its Stop position. This allows panel mounted leds and signal leds to be connected at the same time.
Power Supply
The module operates from AC, DC or DCC (track bus) supplies. You can use a DC power supply between 12V and 25V DC, or any AC power supply between 12V and 16V AC. If using DCC, the feed can be between 12V and 25V, which covers all normal DCC layouts. A 12V DC supply is recommended. Please check the wiring carefully before turning on the power to prevent damage to the module.