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BLOCKSignalling Aspect Controller ASP2-NS

Ref: ASP2-NS

Shipping per unit: $3.00


Product Details:
BLOCKSignalling Aspect Controller ASP2-NS

The Best Way to Automatically Operate your LED Model Railway Signals

- Controlling multi-aspect signals on model railways has never been easier
- Detects trains passing signals using its in-built infra-red sensor
- Operates from 12V to 25V DC, 12V to 16V AC, or uses DCC as a power feed and feeds signals at 12V
- Fades leds in and out to simulate incandescent bulbs
- Very simple to connect up to signals
- No soldering required, all components are ready wired-up
- No programming required (but you can adjust all settings if you wish)
- For use with common-anode led signals (not signals that use bulbs)

We love model railways with light signals. You can operate them from toggle switches when you only have a couple of aspects to operate, but when it comes signals with more aspects the wiring can become complex.

We were keen to provide a solution that would add some simple automation to 2-, 3- or 4-aspect signals, without the need for soldering, programming or making any additional connections.

The power feed connects to two terminals, with up to 5 wires from the signal connecting to the remaining terminals (the ground terminal has two wires connected, the signal common and ground).

You can power the module from 12V-25V DC, 12V to 16V AC, or from a DCC feed. The module reduces the supply voltage down to 12V to feed the signals. External resistors are not required, as these are built into the module.

Simply drill an 8mm hole through the baseboard between the sleepers and insert the sensor from below (the sensor only needs a 2mm gap to see between the sleepers so there should be no problems with N gauge). Invisible infra-red light is projected upwards and any trains passing overhead will trigger the circuit and will operate the signal automatically. You can test this by waving your hand over the sensor, and the signal should operate.

Power Supply

The module operates from AC, DC or DCC (track bus) supplies.
You can use a DC power supply between 12V and 25V DC, or any AC power supply between 12V and 16V AC.
If using DCC, the feed can be between 12V and 25V, which covers all normal DCC layouts.
Where a choice is a available, a 12V DC supply is recommended.
Please check the wiring carefully before turning on the power to prevent damage to the module.

Please Note: Signal Not Included

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