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BLOCKSignalling Aspect Controller Common-Anode ASP2A

Ref: ASP2A

Shipping per unit: $3.00


Product Details:
BLOCKSignalling Aspect Controller Common-Anode ASP2A

- Uses an infra-red sensor mounted below the track to detect trains passing above
- When a train is detected, the module triggers the signal to switch to red
- Signal automatically switches back to green (through yellow and double-yellow if appropriate)
- Flexible programming options to suit different signals and to allow adjustment of timings to suit
- Designed for signals which need +12V to be switched to them to light their leds (common cathode)
- Wide input voltage range (8V to 25V DC, 12V to 16V AC, or can be powered from a DCC feed).
- Realistic fading between aspects.
- Yellow and Double-Yellow stages will change to red if another train passes.

This module boasts a wide range of input voltages, smooth fading between aspects, and the ability to be triggered from yellow or double-yellow stages back to red. This Signal Controller detects trains by bouncing invisible Infra-Red (IR) light off the underside of the rolling stock, and detecting the light reflected back. Once triggered by the train, the module runs built-programs to simulate the operation of 2-, 3- or 4-aspect signals.

The signal normally shows green. When the train passes the detector, the signal switches to red. Once the train has fully cleared the detector, the module switches the signal back to green (via yellow and double-yellow if appropriate).

The duration of the red, yellow and double-yellow stages can be adjusted, as can the time the sensor needs to be cleared before initiating the sequence returning to green and the sensitivity of the detection. Adjusting the time the sensor needs to be cleared can be useful to prevent incorrect detection of the train having passed due to the small gaps between the rolling stock.

This controller is designed for connection to signals which have a common-anode (common positive) connection. This is normally the case for European and US manufactured signals. British signals generally use a common-cathode connection, which can be powered from the identically featured ASP1A.


- No calibration required
- works out of the box.
- No modifications required to rolling stock.
- Not affected by light or dark, or changes in light level.
- Designed and manufactured in the UK.

Power Supply

The module operates from AC, DC or DCC (track bus) supplies. You can use a DC power supply between 12V and 25V DC, or any AC power supply between 12V and 16V AC. If using DCC, the feed can be between 12V and 25V, which covers all normal DCC layouts. Where a choice is a available, a 12V DC supply is recommended.

Please check the wiring carefully before turning on the power to prevent damage to the module.

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