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BLOCKSignalling Automatic Block Signalling Controller SEC1A-DC


Shipping per unit: $2.00


Product Details:
BLOCKSignalling Automatic Block Signalling Controller SEC1A-DC

- Monitors trains entering and leaving a section
- Automatically sets the signal at the start of the section to danger (red)
- Isolates a section of track to stop trains at the signal
- Communicates to previous sections to ensure they show yellow (and double yellow) aspects as appropriate
- Last section can simulate returning back to clear using timers to provide realistic operation
- Points which are not set in the trains favour can force the signal to danger and isolate the track.
- Signal can be forced to danger by an external input (useful for starter signals)
- Suitable for 2-, 3-, and 4-aspect common-cathode signals
- Fully configurable to provide the most realistic operation

The BLOCKsignalling Block Controller Module is designed to protect a section of track to prevent more than one train entering that section at one time.
At the entrance to the section there is a signal and and a short isolated piece of track which can be energised and de-energised by a relay built-in to the module. There is also an infra-red sensor which is located below the track which is able to detect trains passing overhead.
The isolated section of track is normally energised by the relay and the signal normally shows a green aspect.
The infra-red sensor is continuously looking for a trains passing, and as soon as it detects one, it turns the signal to red and isolates the track section, preventing another train from entering the section.
The module then uses a second infra-red sensor located at the exit from the section of track to detect when the train has completely left the section. The isolated track section at the entrance is then re-energised.
At the same time, the signal at the entrance to the block is switch from danger back to green (if a 2-aspect signal is used).
If 3- or 4-aspect signals are connected, then information from the following blocks is used to switch the signals to show yellow or double yellow.

Power Supply

The module is designed for use with a DC power supply of between 10V and 25V, or an AC power supply of between 10V and 16V, or from a DCC power supply up to 25V (which covers most layouts).
Where there is a choice, the recommended power supply is 12V DC.
Please double check all wiring before applying power, as incorrect wiring can instantly cause damage to the unit.

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