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BLOCKSignalling Level Crossing Controller for Gates & Barriers LCS5

Ref: LCS5

Shipping per unit: $1.50


Product Details:
BLOCKSignalling Level Crossing Controller for Gates & Barriers LCS5

Fully Flexible Controller with Servo Motors for Barriers or Gates

- Automatically detects trains using an infra-red sensor mounted below the track bed
- Operates attached yellow and red leds on level crossing signs (not included)
- Operates two servos (included) for connection to barriers or gates
- Once train has cleared the sensor, the barriers return to their start positions automatically
- Built-in programs to cover most UK crossing style

Model railway layouts often incorporate a level crossing, and the LCS5 module is designed to add movement to these crossings, with automatic detection of an approaching train triggering the operation of gates or barriers. If yellow and red leds are connected, these will also operate automatically.

The control system is built and tested, ready for connection to the chosen warning light signals and barriers or gates.

Each servo operates automatically between their start and stop positions, which have been pre-programmed for ease of use.

The LCS5 is triggered by infra-red sensors mounted beneath the track and works equally on DC or DCC layouts.

Servo Motors

Servo motors consist of a small dc motor and gearbox combination, designed to drive an externally mounted arm (horn) through a limited range of angles. The motor operates at high speed, and the gearbox reduces the speed to a more appropriate level and so increases the torque significantly. An in-built control circuit varies the motor direction and speed to allow the output shaft to turn to the desired position.

Servos are compact and easy to mount. The barrier or gate can be directly attached to the servo by fixing a wire into the centre of the output shaft with epoxy, or a variety of horns can be mounted on to the output shaft and then extended with thin modelling wire to connect to gates, barriers and signals, etc.

The Level Crossing Controller LCS5 drives two servos from their parked position (START position) to their destination (STOP position). For ease of use, the start position and stop positions are preprogrammed to cover an arc of approximately 90 degrees (for use with barriers or gates). This can be varied if required.

Power Supply

The module operates from AC, DC or DCC (track bus) supplies.
You can use a DC power supply between 12V and 25V DC, or any AC power supply between 12V and 16V AC.
If using DCC, the feed can be between 12V and 25V, which covers all normal DCC layouts.
Where a choice is a available, a 12V DC supply is recommended.
Please check the wiring carefully before turning on the power to prevent damage to the module.

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