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BLOCKSignalling SPAD Detector Signal Controller SPAD1

Ref: SPAD1

Shipping per unit: $3.00


Product Details:
BLOCKSignalling SPAD Detector Signal Controller SPAD1

In the modern rail network, at chosen locations, signals at danger are protected with additional signals some distance after the protected signal. If the protected signal is passed when it is showing a red danger aspect, the SPAD signal operates.

When the SPAD signal operates, it has a central red aspect which is steadily illuminated. The aspects above and below flash on and off simultaneously.

Now you can provide the same protection on your own layout.

The BLOCKsignalling SPAD1 module is a detector which monitors the protected signal and when the signal is showing a red danger aspect the SPAD1 module watches for trains passing the signal.

If a train is detected passing over the sensor on the SPAD1, it operates the SPAD signal as described above.

The SPAD signal continues flashing whilst the train is over the sensor. Once the train clears the sensor, the flashing ceases after 2 cycles (all settings are adjustable if required).

Power Supply

The module operates from AC, DC or DCC (track bus) supplies.
You can use a DC power supply between 12V and 25V DC, or any AC power supply between 12V and 16V AC.
If using DCC, the feed can be between 12V and 25V, which covers all normal DCC layouts.
Where a choice is a available, a 12V DC supply is recommended.
Please check the wiring carefully before turning on the power to prevent damage to the module.

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