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BLOCKSignalling Traffic Lights Module Common-Cathode TLC1A

Ref: TLC1A

Shipping per unit: $3.00


Product Details:
BLOCKSignalling Traffic Lights Module Common-Cathode TLC1A

Programmable LED Traffic Lights Controller with Fading

- Easy to wire and operate
- Realistic operation with fading between aspects to simulate filament lamps
- Can connect to a wide variety of supply voltages for easy powering
- UK and Continental switching sequences catered for
- Timings and other settings can be adjusted if required

The BLOCKsignalling TLC2A Traffic Light Controller has been designed for railway modellers to make it very quick and easy to add traffic light signals to their layouts.
The unit can connect to AC, DC and DCC power supplies to make powering the unit as flexible as possible. Whichever voltage you connect, the module automatically reduces the supply voltage to provide a stable feed to the traffic lights. To simplify wiring, resistors are built-in, so it is not necessary to connect in or solder additional resistors to the traffic lights (any already installed can remain).
The module is pre-programmed to replicate the standard UK sequence, but it is a simple matter to change this to follow a continental sequence to suit the model.
This model (TLC1A) is designed for traffic lights which have a common-cathode connection, the negative (cathodes) of each of the leds are connected together at each light. If you have traffic lights with common-anode connections where the positive (anodes) of the leds are wired together, then the complimentary BLOCKsignalling TLC2A should be used.


We have spent many hours testing and adjusting settings to produce a fully realistic representation of how traffic lights (used to) operate.
Modern traffic lights almost exclusively use led technology, and so instantly switch between each colour. Up until about 10 years ago, filament lamps were used, and these turn-on and turn-off over over a short time. The software in the BLOCKsignalling traffic light controllers provides a similar action when model led lights are connected. We have made the timings of the dimming adjustable if you wish to vary the settings, or you can turn the dimming off if you wish.

Power Supply

The module operates from AC, DC or DCC (track bus) supplies.
You can use a DC power supply between 12V and 25V DC, or any AC power supply between 12V and 16V AC.
If using DCC, the feed can be between 12V and 25V, which covers all normal DCC layouts.
Where a choice is a available, a 12V DC supply is recommended.
Please check the wiring carefully before turning on the power to prevent damage to the module.

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