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BLOCKSignalling Train Detector with Relay BOD4-RLY


Shipping per unit: $2.00


Product Details:
BLOCKSignalling Train Detector with Relay BOD4-RLY

Detects trains and operates a built-in relay.
- Quick and easy way to detect trains anywhere on your layout, even in tunnels
- Detects passing trains using its in-built infra-red sensor
- Very easy to connect up to simple indications on a control panel, operate motors, electromagnets, or to add as inputs to computer systems
- Operates from 12V DC
- Low current output (+5V DC) to feed leds, signals or small relays
- No programming necessary (but you can adjust all settings if you wish)

This module came about after a customer asked for a module to operate a stop solenoid on his Faller model car layout. It is based on the BOD2-RLY train detector, but with a larger relay to handle the current for the electromagnet. It is just at home on a model railway, to detect trains and operate led or filament signals, motorised features, or any other action you can envisage. The relay van handle up to 1.5A current at 24V DC

Power Supply
The module requires a power supply 12V DC and draws a maximum current of 80mA. When connecting a DC supply, connect the negative to the GND terminal and the positive to the Vin terminal. If the connections are accidentally reversed, the module will not function, but no damage will result.

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