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BLOCKsignalling Infra Red Level Crossing Module with Sound LCS4

Ref: LCS4

Shipping per unit: $3.00


Product Details:
BLOCKsignalling Infra Red Level Crossing Module with Sound LCS4

The BLOCKsignalling LCS4 Level Crossing Module provides a realistic simulation of a full sized level crossing, operating the lights and sounder once triggered. An infra-red sensor is included which will trigger the module when infra-red light is reflected from the underside of a train passing above the sensor. The flashing lights will continue to operate whilst the whole of the train passes over the sensor, and will only stop after the sensor is cleared (there is an additional adjustable delay which can be set after the train has cleared the sensor so the flashing lamps cease at an appropriate point).

Alternatively, the A and K terminals can be linked, in which case the module will be triggered as soon as the power is applied, playing the sound clip and then continuing to flash the red leds alternately until the power is removed. If a push button or reed switch is wired between the A and K terminals, a brief contact closure will play the sound clip and operate the lights for 10 seconds. If a push button is used, and held down, the lights will continue flashing until the button is released.


- Uses an infra-red sensor to detect a train passing (can also be triggered by reed relay, push -button, switch, or simply supplying power to the module)
- Automatically operates lights and sounder when triggered
- Module reproduces a preselected sound clip from 18 possible choices (gongs, sounders, bells, Yodalarm, etc)
- At the same time, the conventional light sequence of a single yellow light, followed by alternating red flashing lights commences
- Automatically stops the sounder after 10 seconds
- The module is fully programmable to adjust the flash rate, duration of the sequence, and so on


The sounder provides a 10 second clip of one of the 18 possible level crossing sounds selected from a number of countries. (See Below)
The speaker provided can be located on the underside of the baseboard, or within a structure such as a building on the topside. Some experimentation will be required to achieve a suitable sound level, by the use of wadding if necessary to reduce the perceived volume.

Sound Clip Selection

The module is pre-loaded with a selection of 18 sound clips which are played out in order following a factory reset. The default clip played is clip number 1.

Many of these audible indications are used in more than one country, but their predominant use is shown in the table below.
1. Yodalarm Electronic Sounder (UK)
2. Continuously ringing bell at a very fast rate, similar to a firebell (UK)
3. Continuously ringing bell at a very fast rate, similar to a firebell - alternative tone (UK)
4. Plunger Type Bells, in pairs. Medium rate. (Germany)
5. Gong type bell, rung at a fast rate. (US)
6. Slow Swinging Arm (0.5Hz rate) (US)
7. Alternate bells (cowbell style) with moving overlap (US)
8. Slow Swinging Arm - alternative (US)
9. Gong Sound at a 2Hz rate (US)
10. Continuously ringing bell at a very fast rate, similar to a firebell (France)
11. Single Repeating Plunger type Bell at a slow rate (France)
12. Varying overlapping bells, similar to Cow Bell type (Finland)
13. Varying overlapping bells, similar to Cow Bell type - alternative (Finland)
14. Electronic Sounder (Japan)
15. Slow bell at a 0.5Hz rate (Italy)
16. Slow bell at a 0.5Hz rate - alternative (Italy)
17. Alternate bells (cowbell style) with varying overlap (Italy)
18. Single repeated bell at a 1Hz rate (Italy)

Power Supply:

The module is designed for use with a DC power supply of between 10V and 25V, or an AC power supply of between 10V and 16V.
Where there is a choice, the recommended power supply is 12V DC.
Please double check all wiring before applying power, as incorrect wiring can instantly cause damage to the unit.

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