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Dapol HO/OO Gauge DCC Ready 5 Way Track Cleaning Coach B800

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"Just hook up to a loco and clean the tracks!"

Dapol HO/OO Gauge DCC Ready 5 Way Track Cleaning Coach B800

Ref: B800

Shipping per unit: $8.50


Product Details:
Dapol HO/OO Gauge DCC Ready 5 Way Track Coach B800

This model uses the latest in technology to aid you keeping your track clean and is perfect for those hard to reach places such as tunnels, at the back of layouts or under catenary wires. It can be run on DC as a normal item with the motor sharing power with the locomotive that is needed to haul it. There is an onboard on/off switch to aid this. The motor within the unit powers, at the modellers choice, either the vacuum function or the sprung abrasive/polishing head. It is DCC ready and features an 8pin DCC socket that can take either UK or USA configured decoders (orientated), and needs a chip that can operate the motor to function on DCC. There is also an under body brush for basic removal of dirt/fluff etc, and a reservoir that can be filled with any non flammable, plastic friendly track cleaning solution that feeds down onto a sponge (included) that rubs the rail head (to be used before the sprung buffing head). Any appropriate non solvent based track cleaning fluid work with this Unit. Due to international rules on shipping flammable liquids by Airmail I do not sell the Dapol B805 Track Cleaning Fluid. However, I can recommend the use of Goo Gone (please find this in your Country on Google). This comes in various guises but regardless of the labels specifications (eg bubble gum remover) most liquid Goo Gone products are adaquete for the track cleaning purposes.

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