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Faller Servo Controller 180725

Ref: 180725

Shipping per unit: $6.50


Product Details:
Faller Servo Controller 180725

There are a range of Operating Accessories listed in the AJM website including the following

- Small Turntable 120276 (has 1 Servo Motor)
- 3 Road Engine Shed with Drive Components 120277 (has 3 Servo Motors)
- Double Garage with Moving Doors 130319 (has 1 Servo Motor)
- Operating Small Depot Set 120128 (has 4 Servo Motors)
- Locomotive Coke Plant 120242 (has 1 Servo Motor)
- Dog House with moving Dog (has 1Servo Motor)

Each of these products can be operated DC or DCC by a simple On/Off Switch manually in their own right such as the Expo A218010. For those who want to operate these units through their DCC Controller the Servo Controller offers this capability. Each Servo Motor is allocated an address in your Controller and once set up and programmed, this will then allow you to control the Servo motors to various positions eg to open doors in the 3 Road Engine Shed or rotate the Small Turntable or rotate the Cranes and Water Towers on the Small Depot Set. The Servo Motor can be programmed to hold up to four postions as well as the motion rate. Each Servo Controller controls up to x 4 Servo Motors

The Servo Controller requires a 16V AC power input and can also be preset using CV settings by a DCC unit that supports the DCC data foremat. You can input the power from a regulated power source or a suitable Transformer such as the Faller 180641 (not included)

In a similar way to the Hornby Accessory Decoder (or other similar Points Decoders) the Servo Controller is allocated an address for each Servo Motor that it is designed to control in the products names above.

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