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Train Tech Dual Home Signal Kit with Red/Green LEDs SK7

Ref: SK7

Shipping per unit: $2.00


Product Details:
Train Tech Dual Home Signal Kit with Red/Green LEDs SK7

A range of low cost self assembly signal kits to our new tooling with true to life HO/OO scaling and modelled on real signals in England.
To make wiring easy the LEDs are presoldered onto PCB 'sticks' which just pass through a 5mm or larger hole made in the baseboard and your wires can either be wrapped around and taped or soldered on.
The signals can either be wired to conventional switches and supplied by 12-15 volts DC or a 9V battery (resistors supplied) or controlled by DCC via a DCC signal controller / decoder like the Train-Tech SC1/SC2 or other third party DCC decoders from Hornby, ESU, Lenz, NCE etc.
(LED signals are common negative)

- Self assembly colour Light Signal Kits
- Choose signal kits with or without LEDs
- Every kit includes a 2,3 & 4 aspect head plus a dual head arm, base, ladder and detailing such as hand rails, phone etc
- Aluminium 'post' included with each kit
- Low cost - adapt to your own design
- Control by switches or signal controller

To see the intructions for assembly please visit and Tab on the "Signalling" bar in the top menu then Tab on "DC Color Kits" then open the PDF file (this is a copy of the Instructions that are included in the pack.

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